What’s Happening in Cuba?
On my recent trip to Cuba I sat down with Idanys Almaguer. She shared some of her experiences as a wife and mother over the past couple of years during Covid.
Idanys and husband Rafael Tamayo were CMRC supported pastors of Mount Zion Assemblies of God Church located Cienfuegos, Cuba.

They began in their home but outgrew that to the point where they were meeting in their backyard. Raphael and Idanys have two boys, Laaziel, who is married, and Abdiel in university. The congregation grew to over 110 believers.

CMRC has supported Rafael and Idanys for over 15 years.
Doug Springer.

Idanys’ Story
My husband Rafael and I traveled to the United States on February 28, 2020 and we planned to travel only for a month. On March 12 we traveled to California where we had several commitments to preach. The day after we arrived in California the United States closed due to the pandemic.
We were completely cut off in California where we were stuck for several months until we were able to return to Miami. But then it became difficult for us to return here to Cuba because Cuba remained closed. All this time we faced difficult situations, especially for me regarding our family. We were separated from our family for practically 20 months our children and my parents in Cuba.
In those 20 months I also suffered the loss of my dad because he contracted Covid and died. Everyone got sick with Covid here in my house. My dad had to be admitted to the hospital due to dehydration. While there they gave him a blood transfusion and then Covid ended his life. It was very difficult; I did not expect it. My dad and I were very close, and I had to face that pain of losing my father and the separation with my children.
At the end of last year Cuba eventually opened its border and I was able to return, however, my husband Rafael is still in the United States unable to return to Cuba due to passport issues.
And so here we are right now in a situation perhaps of some uncertainty waiting to see what will happen to our lives and what God is doing with our lives.
Very difficult times. Two very difficult years.
Update: Peru House Church Construction
Joel McGee our missionary partner from Junglemaster Missions updates on the construction process:
“I have sent the second half of money to the Seis de Septiembre team to have the boards cut. This means by now that they are done cutting the lumber. They’ve been waiting for the river level to rise to enable easier materials access to the village. Now that the river is up it appears construction can begin.”
Prayer Points
~ The Cuban food situation is very concerning with limited supply of even the basics like potatoes.
Pray our pastors and their families can receive good nutritious meals.
~ Girls Education Program in Peru.
Pray for Associate Karen as she mentors and leads our Girls Education program in Iquitos, Peru.
Watch for an update in June Newsletter.
~ Pray for increase in donations to help with the support of pastors and churches in Cuba and our other countries.