What’s happening
Summer months tend to be a little slower here in Canada for charities. Most people are enjoying the warm summer weather, and many donors and supporters will be travelling to visit families and spend time on holidays or relaxing at the lake. Those of you who live in Latin America generally have a lot more than 2 ½ months of summer and warm weather to enjoy.
In the past month, we have undergone some changes to our mission. Rick Tyler retired and Michel, one of our associates, has left Cuba searching for a better life for his family. At this point, I am alone in Canada working for CMRC mission. But that does not mean I am alone. I am so thankful for our partners and associates who carry out our work in their local communities overseas, and our supporters here in Canada. Earlier in July we had a major outage of all communications here in Canada for 24 hours. It was a good lesson for many to appreciate how technology allows us to be linked together daily.

Michel has been a great resource and help to me in Cuba for the past eight years. Michel was our associate, and made most of my in-country arrangements as well as expediting our banking for the support of half of our pastors. About 2 months ago, Michel called me on WhatsApp, and while nearly crying, explained that he could not even find eggs to buy to feed his family, and so had plans to move to Paraguay.
Once he receives his Paraguay papers in up to a few years, he plans to bring his wife and three children to Paraguay. I followed Michel’s progress as he made his way across the Caribbean and South America into Paraguay. Yoa, Michel’s wife, is now continuing to distribute the funds to the pastors in Michel’s absence. Please pray for someone who speaks good English to help me as I go back to Cuba this fall.

Cesar continues to publish this newsletter in both English and Spanish as well as teach at the Guatemala Bible Seminary. Cesar is one of the most positive people I know, and his smile and positive attitude have encouraged me over the past 15 years that we have been associated.

Karen continues to provide leadership with the Young Women in Poverty education program. At this time, one of the young ladies’ floating house support has started to rot and is in danger of being destroyed. CMRC has sent Karen enough money to replace the main support posts, and Karen will make sure the work is completed.

Pastor German in Bogota continues to minister to the indigenous community in their area of Bogota. Elkin, who has been a volunteer here in London, traveled to Bogota recently with financial support for the Indigenous that are in need.
Please continue to support CMRC financially and in prayer. With travel opened up again, we are continuing with our ministry to those in need. Some of our plans are to be in Cuba this fall, and then take a group to minister in Peru in January 2023 and possibly a group to Israel in 2023.

Executive Director
Thank You!
~ There is a need for laptop computers continues as the used ones we have supplied in the past are failing.
~ Pray for financial support to continue for CMRC’s ministry.
~ Pray for Karen as she mentors the young ladies in the Peruvian Amazon.
~ Pray that we will be able to acquire cheap timely flights to Cuba and Peru.