2021 – A Year in the Life of CMRC
These past 2 years we have all experienced many ups and downs here in Canada. What most of us don’t realize is that we have it quite good compared to the pastors we support overseas. We have lost some of our dear friends to Covid and we mourn their loss from afar.
We began 2021 the same way we ended 2020 by raising money to buy food for the pastors.
- Rick Tyler spent most of his time educating and reporting on our work through social media and our monthly newsletters.
- Cesar, our associate in Guatemala began a Spanish version of our newsletter along with helping pastors, seminary professors, and students with food.
- In Peru, Keny and Karen continued to support the young ladies and pastors living in poverty. Funds have come in to and we are in the process of building two house churches and one brick church in the Amazon region.
- Cuba is the country where we have seen most of the struggles for our pastors. Price increases by 10 times, churches closed as well as our good friend and partner Oziel passed away. Cuba lacks medicine and even toothpaste. We have been able to send financial support to our twenty-five supported pastors for basic food for their families. I want to thank Michel and Maria Elena for their continued selfless work distributing support to pastors even in the midst of suffering themselves. Presently we are helping to build two house churches in Cuba.
- Pastor German in Bogota (and locally with Elkin’s help) continues to minister to his congregation and displaced Indigenous families in Bogota Colombia.
Most of the pastors we work with are in small churches in areas of severe poverty. Many of these pastors have part time jobs selling fish or fruit on the street. Churches were closed by their governments and so not even offerings were coming in. The money you donated bought food to sustain their families. God continues to provide through you.
In November I made my first trip out of Canada to Guatemala to be with Cesar. It was a real blessing to share with Cesar. I did not realize what this isolation has caused and it was good to get out and travel again. We are blessed to work with men and women who are completely dedicated to the Lord and serving others selflessly.
Please pray as I make plans to travel to Peru in mid January.
One of my favorite scriptures is found in Ephesians 2:10. It says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” We do not know what the future holds for us. God has good works for us to do and he has planned next year a long time ago. We need to be obedient. It is time for each one of us to stop expending so much energy on our thoughts about Covid and do the good works that God has planned for us.
Doug Springer

Marni and Doug Diane and Rick
Happy New Year!
Pastor Carlos Castillo and Kirenia have been pastoring for twelve years. Nine of those years in Pepito Tey, the last three in Ariza. It is at El Eden Church in Ariza that CMRC is providing funding to build his church during the pandemic.

Construction has begun on the outdoor church with a load of sand to make concrete. There will be a roof and short brick wall about a foot or two high to keep water from flowing in during rainy periods.

During the pandemic congregation members are meeting in house cell groups. Pastor Carlos is expecting a new cell group to open in the town of Sirberta.
When the new outdoor structure is complete Iglesia El Eden will worship together under protection from sun and rain.
Pastor Carlos askes for prayer for Kirenia and their three children.
Prayer Points
~ Pray for safety as construction begins on two home/churches in the Peruvian jungle villages of Sies de Setiembre and Santa Roso on the Marañon River. Also for the Cuban church builds underway.
~ Cuban Pastors, Joshua and Anna have been missionaries in Haiti for the past couple of years. They now have a flight booked to leave Haiti for Cuba in January. Please pray that the booking remains valid and for their safety in travelling.