March 2023 Newsletter

Written By César Arreaga

Published March 11, 2023


Pastor Jorge and wife Yayli, children Geidy Ester and Josue  

CMRC continues to support 22 pastors, 2 chaplains and 1 children’s worker in Cuba with monthly salaries. We are also at this time completing the construction of a house church. Poverty is growing, and medical life continues to be difficult in Cuba with food and fuel shortages and daily power outages outside of Havana. Many people are trying to leave, but cannot afford the black market method of getting out. Churches are growing as many people are reaching out to God in these difficult times.

Pastor Jorge’s wife Yayli continues to suffer problems with her thyroid. She suffers daily from sweating, heart palpitations, chest pain, strong headaches and pain in her scalp. Jorge was told by the doctor that the medication she needs is not available in Cuba, and the government will not allow it to be brought in from outside.


Group of men in Rumiyaku, Peru 2013

CMRC continues to provide support for pastors working in communities experiencing poverty, as well as providing education opportunities for young women to help lift them out of their poverty. Peru is going through political turmoil at this time although protests are becoming less frequent. There continues to be government opposition in the south central part of the country.

Ten years ago we provided a special water system for the village of Rumiyaku in the Peruvian coffee growing area. Recently, a section of the ½ mile pipe was damaged and we are now looking to again help bring lifesaving water to these families.


Doug and César, Guatemala

CMRC continues to partner with Seminary Professor Cesar in producing video courses. Cesar produces our newsletter monthly both in English and Spanish. Plans are being made to produce another seminary course on video for distribution to pastors in Cuba and other Latin American countries. June or July will be the production dates.


CMRC occasionally helps the local church in Bogota minister to displaced Indigenous peoples.
Pray for Albiero and also for the church in Bogota. Pastor German is working on a plan to build an Indigenous craft centre that will help displaced indigenous families financially.

Prayer Requests

  • Pastor Otto’s health has deteriorated again, and he is in need of iron pills which are not available. He is having difficulty completing the roof on his house church. A wall splits the house church in half, lengthwise. Due to Covid, skyrocketing prices, and restrictions on purchasing materials (because it is a church), the church half has no roof and is and unusable. Please pray for wisdom and the resources needed to complete the church.
  • Maria Elena, our associate, continues to heal from her tumor operation 1 ½ years ago but recovery is slow. Pray for complete healing.
  • Canadian, Lindsay Jo from Ottawa will travel to Iquitos to work with Karen for two weeks. Pray for her safety and that she will be a blessing to all she comes in contact with.
  • Continue to pray for Karen’s health.

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